Angle addition postulate definition geometry quizlet
Angle addition postulate definition geometry quizlet

angle addition postulate definition geometry quizlet

Right angle: Angles which measure 90° - \(\measuredangle ABC\) Normally, Angle is measured in degrees (\(^0\)) or in radians rad). A plane is a flat surface that extends indefinitely.Īngle: \(\measuredangle ACB\). A line is straight and extends infinitely in the opposite directions. A point has no dimension (length or width), but it does have a location. The most basic terms of geometry are a point, a line, and a plane. There are two types of Euclidean geometry: plane geometry, which is two-dimensional Euclidean geometry, and solid geometry, which is three-dimensional Euclidean geometry. HL (Hypotenuse Leg Theorem) Any two right triangles that have a congruent hypotenuse and a corresponding, congruent leg are congruent triangles.\)Įuclidean geometry, sometimes called parabolic geometry, is a geometry that follows a set of propositions that are based on Euclid's five postulates. AAS An angle, an angle, and a side of a triangle are congruent. ASA An angle, a side, and an angle of a triangle are congruent. SAS A side, an angle, and a side of a triangle are congruent. SSS All three sides of a triangle are congruent.

angle addition postulate definition geometry quizlet

If/Then 12 If two angles are supplementary to congruent (or the same) angles, then the angles are congruent. If/Then 11 If two angles are complementary to congruent (or the same) angles, then the angles are congruent. If/Then 10 If the exterior sides of two adjacent angles are perpendicular, then the angles are complementary. If/Then 9 If you have two lines forming congruent, adjacent angles, then the lines are perpendicular. If/Then 8 If two coplanar lines are perpendicular to a third line, then the two lines are parallel. If/Then 7 If you have two parallel lines, and the third line is perpendicular to one of the parallel lines, then the third line is perpendicular to the other parallel line. If/Then 6 If a line is parallel to two different lines, then the two lines are parallel to each other. If/Then 5 If alternate interior angles are congruent, then lines are parallel. If/Then 4 If corresponding angles are congruent, then the lines forming the angles are parallel. If/Then 3 If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then same side interior angles are congruent. If/Then 2 If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then alternate interior angles are congruent. If/Then 1 If parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then corresponding angles are congruent. Definition of Complementary Angles Complementary angles are two angles that sum to 90 degrees. Definition of Supplementary Angles Supplementary angles are two angles that sum to 180 degrees. Vertical Angle Theorem Vertical angles are congruent. Midpoint Theorem If M is the midpoint of segment AB, then AM = 1/2 AB. Definition of a Midpoint If M is the midpoint of segment AB, then AM = MB. Angle Bisector Theorem If ray BX is the bisector of ∠ABC, then m∠ABX = 1/2 m∠ABC.

angle addition postulate definition geometry quizlet

Definition of an Angle Bisector If ray OC bisects ∠AOB, then m∠AOC = m∠COB.

Angle addition postulate definition geometry quizlet